Friday, September 26, 2014

Technical Progress: Purchase Arduino Kit

To create a DIY pressure sensor like my finding in Joyslippers version 2, I need to gather material as stated in the tutorial. Among all materials stated. There's one material that I do not know. It's called "velostat". After research online for it a little more, I realised that it's a material which it's electrical resistance decreases when pressured. My main ingredient for the DIY pressure sensor.

To have a better understanding in how it works, I found this site very helpful. And it makes the DIY shoes achievable.

The next thing I need to do, is to purchase it and try it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Art Style Development

After some good rest in the holiday, I think it's time to rearrange my plans and thoughts of the design development.

I've tried some C4D approach of creating some depth of view angle, explored how Adobe After Effect helps generate fake 3D using vector graphics to do animation. I've also found some tutorial that teach me how to create Optical illusion effect in Adobe Illustrator. So, the conclusion is to mix around techniques and tool to create the final artwork.

For the time being, I haven't really come out with much visual testing and design.

Plan for the coming week -> Draw full scenery design x 3 different art style approach

I started today with a reading of the thoughts behind one of my favourite reference. Daehyun Kim's artwork has very interesting style that other black and white art style don't have.

Who are these people? Who's face?
The face with no expression is borrowed from old Buddhist painting which has always fascinated me since university. I thought that the face is perfect to conceal their feelings because I don’t want to show directly if these characters are good or bad through their faces. The simple black suit which looks like underwear has been chosen in order to make you only focus on their gestures. I purposely don’t show the time, place or gender.

Above quote gave me even more in depth consideration for my work. In this case, what do I want people to focus in the woods. Based on that, I can then set the hierarchy of details to build a effective visual for the environment.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Getting to Know C4D

To start working on C4D, I need to first install the software onto my work station. But I realized that my work station does not has the compatible specs to support C4D, so I have to work on alternative solution. After many rounds of testing and finding, I finally manage to get a work station that has C4D installed. The work station is shared with another person, so the con of the solution is that they will be times that I might not be able to work on the project.

Since the holiday is 2 months long, starts learning and working on the visual should be fine. Even if I can't work on the project in some of the days, it should be manageable still.

Learning the software
I browsed through some Youtube video to help me familiarize with the working environment inside C4D. And particularly, some tutorials that create 3D out of low polygons seems very much a good start for me to pick up some relevant skills. So I compile some of them here as the skill set learning documentation.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pitch Presentation Self Reflection

In the progress of re-compiling the Project Idea, Creative Solution, Media Technology, and User Experience Design, I reminded of the entire project scope. After organizing my thoughts, turning the idea into visual makes me reconsider the solution approach.

My plan of digital design production is to use Adobe Illustrator (A.I.), to create a fake 3D optical illusion environment. After making the first prototype, I realized that although A.I. has the perspective grid feature, it's still very difficult for me to construct a 3D environment from scratch without a 3D environment based software. 

After deep thoughts, I consulted Zui, tutor that specialized in 3D based software, to find out the possibility of constructing my project in 3D environment. There're 2 software that I'm aware of - 3D Max and Cinema 4D. Zui gave me a quick intro to the basic usage of the 2 software, and I decided to use C4D as my design development platform. The reason for choosing C4D is because the software comes with timeline. So I can model the 3D visual and plan the animation all in one software, then render into the interactive environment. 3D Max is more specialize in modelling, no timeline tools available, so that's the major reason I drop the software option.