Monday, June 9, 2014

Mindmap of Theories

After gathered some of the research and reading to see visual perception in broader cultural and contextual view, I managed to come out with the first draft of research mindmap to link some of the theories learnt and the similar connection together.

The mindmap above focused on the mental model of how we perceive visual affected by the contextual association we had towards the shape and form. There are also theory that mentioned the "high and low modality" that affect the way we consider the quality of the visual design.

Some of the circle bubbles is the map that has not yet given brunches, those are some theory or keywords that I picked up along the way while reading the theories. I'll come back to this keywords and research further.

The part that I'm missing out now is the interactive or narrative theories that helps me get more insight into the user experience design in applying these visual into interactive context.

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