Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Initial Mirror & Projection Testing

After collected some variety of optical illusion artworks, I think it'll be good for me to start experimenting on some of the potential interest I have in the project.

Below are my testing summary:

#1 Resolume
After testing on its mapping features with the built-in videos provided, I've got some idea of video content can be manipulated through cropping, perspective distortion to match surface and sequence of video can be set to create a narrative experience. 

The control of timeline in Resolume (observed from other project online) is also available by setting keyboard input or midi input. 

There's also a mic input control function allowing audio data to control video properties like height, width and etc. 

#2 Mirror Reflection

TESTED this one 
90º - Two mirrors at a right angle (90º) show two complete 
reflections and one composite reflection. An angle less 
than 90º shows two straight reflections and two partial reflections

Have not test, but found from online:

120 Degree Reflection

72º - At 72º you see 4 complete reflections.

60º - At 60º you see five reflections – four straight and one composite.

45º - At 45º you see the object reflected 3 times in each mirror and one
composite reflection for an apparent total of 7 reflections – or
8 if you count the object itself. 
Unless the mirrors are very large,
it is hard to see into an opening of less than 45º.

Parallel - When two mirrors are parallel to each other, the number
of reflections is infinite. Placing one mirror at a slight angle causes
the reflections to curve.
Multi-Faceted Mirrors - Increasing the number of flat mirrored surfaces
or facets increases the number of reflections, but what you see
depends on where you stand. The number of complete and partial
reflections changes as you view the mirror from different angles.

Testing Summary

After exploring the video mapping possibilities, interactive control of video content and the characteristic of mirror reflection, I found out that I can project visual onto the floor and it'll create reflections in the mirrors depending on the degree of 2 mirrors facing each other.

This could possibly give me options to play with more kaleidoscope visual due to the reflection. But because of the reflection, it'll also affect my narration in the projection mapping sequence. No matter what visual I projects on the mirror or ceiling or floor, it'll turn out to be a pattern design.

I've also searched on the price of the mirror, with the measurement of 100cm x 200cm, the mirror without any framing, or wooden back support, it's going to cost RM168, plus the frame and finishing, it'll cost RM200 per mirror. So, after thinking through all the points above, I'll remain using Resolume as my mapping software, but mirror will not be my choice of projection tool at the moment.

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